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Variables in C vs Python | Basics of Variables

Variables in C vs Python | Basics of Variables

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Basics of Variables in Python

  • A variable is a name of memory location, it is used to store the data.
  • In python, we don’t need to declared variables because python is inferior language
Variables in C vs Python | Basics of Variables
Variables in C vs Python | Basics of Variables

Object Identity in python

# Resigned variables a

In the above program we declared two variables i.e. a and b. python is inferior language so it’s not need to declared variables as int types.


Above output windows show you addresses for a and b variables is same bur after resigned the variable addresses of a is change.

Basics of variables in c

  • Similar like python in c variables is a name of memory location it is used to store the data.
  • Syntax of variables in c : type variables list;
  • for example int a, float b, char c.

Types of variables in c

  1. Local Variables
  2. Global variables
  3. static variables
  4. Automatic variables
  5. Extern variable

1. Local Variables

A variable that is declared between the function in program is called a local variable.

It must be declared at the start of the function.

For exam:
void main()
{ int a=15;

2. Global Variable

A variable that is declared outside the main function is called a global variable.
Any function can change the value of the global variable.

int value=20;//global variable  
void function(){  
int x=10;//local variable  

3. Static Variable

A variable that is declared with the static keyword is called static variable.

void function(){  
int x=10;//local variable  
static int y=10;//static variable  

4. Automatic variable

Automatic variable are similar like local variable. they are define with auto keywords

void main()
{int a=10;  //local variable
 auto int a=15; //Automatic variable

5. Extern Variable

We know that we can share a value of variable in multiple source files by using an external variable or keywords.
Similar Auto variable, to declare an external variable, you need to use extern keyword.

extern int z=10;//external variable

Object Identity in C

int a;
int b;
int main()
return 0;

We include header file first then declared variables like int (integer) and write the code in main function.



In this article we saw basics of variables in c and python so in the next article we will see Local and global variable.

sachin Pagar

I am Mr. Sachin pagar Embedded software engineer, the founder of Sach Educational Support(Pythonslearning), a Passionate Educational Blogger and Author, who love to share the informative content on educational resources.

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