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fifo in embedded c program example
FIFO :Every memory in which the data word that is written first also comes out first when the memory is read is a first-in first-out memory.
FIFO – First in first out memory. Data read /write will happen in an order. Each time the address pointer will increment by one. FIFO empty and full flags will indicate the status of fifo. FIFO will clear the data if you read it. RAM – Random access memory(Volatile). We can read/write from any location of a RAM. But in FIFO you don’t have this freedom and it will always start from one address and the address pointer keeps on incrementing. Stored data in a RAM will be there even after you read the data, but in FIFO, if you read one address, the data will get cleared.

Types- There are three kinds of FIFO
• Shift register: FIFO with an invariable number of stored data words and the necessary synchronism between the read and write operations because a data word must be read every time.
• Exclusive read/write FIFO: FIFO with a variable number of stored data words and, because of the internal structure,the necessary synchronism between the read and the write operations.
• Concurrent read/write FIFO: FIFO with a variable number of stored data words and possible asynchronism between the read and write operation.
Memory :It refers to the processes that are used to acquire, store, retain, and later retrieve information. There three major processes involved in memory are encoding, storage and retrieval.

Types of Memory in embedded c
The three main forms of memory storage are,
● sensory memory
● short-term memory
● long-term memory
Sensory memory is not consciously controlled and it also allows individuals to retain impressions of sensory information after the original stimulus has ceased.
Sensory Memory:
Sensory memory is the earliest stage of memory. At this stage, sensory information from the environment is stored for a very brief period of time, generally for no longer than a half-second for visual information and 3 or 4 seconds for auditory information. We attend to only certain aspects of this sensory memory, allowing some of this information to pass into the next stage and thus be called short-term memory.
Short-Term Memory:
Short-term memory which is also known as active memory. While many of our short-term memories are quickly forgotten, attending to this information allows it to continue to the next stage. Most of the information stored in active memory will be kept for approximately 20 – 30 seconds. The term short-term memory is often used interchangeably with working memory, which refers to the processes that are used to temporarily store, organize, and manipulate information.
Long-Term Memory :
Long-term memory refers to the continuing storage of information. The information is largely outside of our awareness but can be called into working memory to be used when needed. Some of this information is fairly easy to recall, while others are much more difficult to access.
Losing Memory:
Forgetting is a surprisingly common event. Just consider how often you forget someone’s name or overlook an important appointment. Why do we forget information we have learned in the past? There are four basic explanations for why forgetting occurs:
● Failure to store
● Interference
● Motivated forgetting
● Retrieval failure
During research it was found that one of the critical factors that influence memory failure is time. Information is often quickly forgotten, more importantly if people do not actively review and rehearse the information.
Sometimes information is simply lost from memory and it was never stored correctly in the first place. Sometimes memories compete with one another, making it difficult to remember certain information. In other cases, people actively try to forget things that they simply don’t want to remember.
Fifo(First In Last Out) is a memory structure where datas can be stored and retrieved (in the order of its entry only). This is a queue,wheras Memory is a storage device which can hold datas dynamically or at any desired locations and can be retrieved in any order.
FIFO does not have address lines.
RAM is used for storage purposes whereas FIFO is used for synchronization purposes.
FIFO does not have address lines.
RAM is used for storage purposes whereas FIFO is used for synchronization purposes.