Factors are numbers which completely divide one number to become remainder as zero.

Prime numbers are which is divisible by itself and one .
Ex: if we take 10 the factors of 10 is 2,3,5,10 among this prime factors are 2,3,5. Among these 3 numbers 5 is the greatest number so here 5 is the largest prime factor of 10.
So the steps are first need to find the factor of given number and check those are also prime number and finally choose the largest number from the prime factor.
First create the function called largestPrimeFactor and assign prime factor as 1 and i as 2
def LargestPrimeFactor(n):
primeFactor = 1
i = 2
then looping statement to check prime number while diving n by i it should be greater than n then it will enter into loop then check for condition n%i =0 if that is true primefactor will be updated from 1 to i then n becomes n/i if that condition fails i should increase by 1 finally check for largest prime factor
while i <= n / i:
if n % i == 0:
primeFactor = i
n = n/i
i = i+1
if primeFactor < n:
primeFactor = n
return primeFactor
then get input from the user and call the function for that number (Driver code)
num=int(input("Enter the test number:"))
Name of intern who share this Task :
K.Kathir oli
2nd year B.tech Cse
github link : https://github.com/Kathiroli9602/Tasks/tree/main