A project is a collection of application . whereas an app are small Sub
module in project which are responsible for handling single function
Customer product Authentication

In above example E-commerce is a project and customer ,product ,authentication
etc. are the apps associated with it.
If you combine them all into a single app then code changes will be a difficult task
. If you want to change the way the product is displayed then you have to first
search the product is displayed then you perform changes ,you also have to keep
in mind that these changes dosen’t affect the another apps.
An app provide modularity in a project.
Maintaince of project become easy .
It reduce complexity.
One also main feature about app is that if you want to create an another project
and there also need the same customer app then you just remove or copy the app
and add to that project without performing any modification.
A project is web application which we create using Django .so, an application is
said to efficient if it has multiple apps. i.e. one app for one functionalities and
another app for functionalities.
Apps (it is like a big container)
Django app are resuable i.e. you can use apps in multiple project with little or no
modification .but you have to create different project for the same type company.
Suppose you create a project for an e-commerce company then you cannot reuse
it in another it in another e-commerce company ,another company project is
different you have to write again code for that company .So, you use /create
multiple apps in a project and with the help of that apps you can make a project
very fast .the customer app is same for both company ,you can reuse it and there
are also various apps match in both project .so, with little or no modification you
can just copy or remove that app and add to another project .this is time and cost
Multiple developers can work on different components /apps and create a project
in very less time.
So, there is a team work, which reduces the errors and improves the quality of
Each developers is master in their field and they have to manage a fixed type
component (an app) .so, they can manage it easily than an engineer managing
whole project.
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Here you see different apps for different task. Multiple person can work on these
component at a time.
Summary :
In this article we saw Difference Between A Project And App In Django Python Tutorials Points so about this section you have any query then free to ask me
Name of Intern who share this Task: Manni deol