Table of Contents
What is Django Admin Interface in Django Tutorials Point
Django provide a built –in admin module which can be used to perform
create ,update ,read and delete operation on the model directly .It is time
efficient ,and you can easily test your model .whether it contain right data or not .
It provide instant interface .
(django .contrib .admin ) -> admin app is enabled to installed –apps section of the
setting file .
It read metadata from the model to provide a quick interface where the user can
manage the content of application .
The admin interface at back end allows trusted site administrators to create, edit
and publish content . manage site users and perform the administrative tasks.
Accesing the Django Admin site .
You have to create an admin user (super user) to log in into the admin site.
How To create an admin user :
Command used:- python manage .py
comments posts Login/logout
p1 p2
Username:- Manni
Email address:- …………………………….
Password:- . ………………………………….
Password(again):- …………………………
Super user created successfully .
Now, You created admin user you are ready to use Django admin.
Django administration
Log in
Log in with super user account you created .once login you see Django admin
At the top of index page in Django admin window you see the Authentication and
Authorization group i.e. Groups and users. You are the superuser and you have
the power whether to add a single user or multiple i.e. whether you provide
permission to Authorization to single or multiple users .Django has built in
function through which you perform all these function .
In Django each modles is represented in the admin interface by the model Admin
subclass .
We can customize Django Admin interface.
1> Change model name :-If you want to change name of model ,just open file and name attribute in meta section .
2>By default Django admin shows only object name in listing
You can show multiple fields data from model .add some lines of code in
your file.
3>By default there is only one option which is delete option .
One can add more option on Action dropdown
4> Disable Delete option .
5> Remove add option.
Summary : In this article we saw What Is Django Admin Interface In Django Tutorials Point so about this section you have any query then free to ask me
Name of Intern who share this Task : Manni deol
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